Friendship 729 Red Ebony King KLC 7 Ply Carbon Blade Racket

Handle FL

Friendship 729 Red Ebony King KLC Carbon Table Tennis Blade (5+2 Red Ebony Carbon) 

The special precious wood veneer has a different performance due to its different density and hardness. The higher the hardness, the greater the elasticity, and the faster the ball speed, the more violent. Otherwise, the lower the hardness, the better the control performance. The softer and more delicate the hand feel.

  • Type: Offensive
  • Speed: 8.5
  • Control: 8
  • Ply: 7 ply = Red EBONY + Ayous + KLC + Ayous + KLC + Ayous + Red EBONY
  • Handle: shake hand (long handle FL)